When you get the chance this halal restaurant at Jalan Ipoh is worth a visit.
Adrian's Nasi Campur. The brinjal (aubergine) curry alone warrants a destination status for this restaurant.
Mee Goreng The one I had yesterday was better. I'm still on a lookout for the bestest but time is running out fast.
Incredible Murtabak. This is roti filled with spicy minced mutton and onions.
There they are again. Three girls and their Papa.
Uncle 3
Dinner at the Long House
The Hokkien Spring Roll of Po Piah is on the menu tonight. The popiah event is a good excuse to get everyone together, it epitomises an ideal social tuck.
Some of the ingredients that go into making a popiah.
I premise that if you're tolerant of murky vids, then here's one I prepared earlier.
Three is really enough for the average person. They were absolutely delicious, thanks Aunt 2.
Lest I forget, geckos are really the flies on the wall in every household here. They don't bother us and we don't likewise. The insects obviously beg to differ.
I HATE Geckos and I LOVE POPIAH!!!!!! ARGH!!!!
Hi Y,
At least you don't get snakes in your garden...oh, S'poreans don't have gardens!
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